Calling all professional tradesmen
Electricians/plumbers etc
More chicks are required, on a 2 monthly basis to keep the stock rotating and so they can breed with new blood etc.
These chicks and hens will need daily care during your stay, cleaning out the units, feeding and keeping water topped up. Watching out for illness, separating males and females and selling eggs.
Poultry & Livestock Units
St Isaacs bought 100 day old chicks in Dec 2016 (donation from a previous volunteer). The aim is to sell the eggs from the hens and sell the cockerels for meat.
Poultry units need to be built to house these chicks and the other chicks that will be produced.
Teachers, Nursery & Teaching Assistants
During term times we need Teachers, Teaching & Nursery assistants for our students.
Term times are roughly from mid February until mid November (short breaks inbetween).
our students are aged from 5 till 12, so all levels of teaching are accepted.
Making bricks
St Isaacs can sell the bricks that you make, so it is a very vital project.
Kitchen Gardening
Planting vegetables, watering twice daily (irrigation methods), double digging, fence building, selling over stock of produce and harvesting.